Benton Park is the proud home of the historic English Cave and English Cave Community Garden.
Community Garden
The English Cave Community Garden was started in 2006 through joining the LRA's Garden Lease Program on a newly available lot at 1960 Provenchere Place. We soon found out that lot was part of the beer garden area for the long lost English Cave. After a cave-oriented neighborhood meeting of the BPNA, we sought to begin gardening and then link the garden to the cave when the opportunity became available. And now, that moment has arrived.
Historic Cave Prospect
In late 2017 the gardeners established a subcommittee called The English Cave Recovery Project. In late 2018 there was an opportunity to place the garden in a trust with the Gateway Greening Land Trust, Inc. However, the gardeners do not want the one to preclude the other. There are crucial negotiations going on and at the appropriate time, we will update this page.
Below, read the English Cave Community Garden Committee’s proposal for cave rediscovery.
get involved
If you are a paid member of the BPNA you can request a garden plot if one is available. We have some easy-to-follow rules, so please feel free to ask us. You can also be a general garden caretaker. The garden is a lovely place to visit and relax, so stop on by.
The Garden Team provides current updates at the monthly neighborhood meetings of the BPNA. For cave updates, keep an eye on this website or the BPNA Facebook page. For Community Garden questions, email garden@bentonpark.org; for English Cave questions, email englishcave@bentonpark.org. Thank you for your interest!