Welcome to Benton Park's hub for recycling info!
This is your spot for learning more about recycling in the city of St. Louis, and specific information about Benton Park recycling.
St. Louis City Recycles on instagram. They’re helpful!
Interested in facilitating more recycling community? Join the green committee - email hello@bentonpark.org
Quicklinks: Useful documents | Free recycling receptacle | Location of "Benton Park Firehosue Recycling Center" / recycling RATE INFO
4 ways you can be a part of making recycling in St. Louis work
Neighbors, you don't have to do anything …but if you want to do more...
1. The neighborhood's mini-recycling center aka the firehouse dumpster
It's a group of dumpsters next to the firehouse. And it goes directly to the recycling center. If you feel confident that your recycling is sorted per STL RECYCLES parameters (and we know many of our neighbors are recycling experts!), and you want to be sure that your recycling goes to the center without contamination from alleyways and less fastidious neighbors etc ... This is where you go!
2. Get smart about recycling. View and print Important documents:
From Operation Brightside and Saint Louis City Recycles
Always recycle common household items like paper, cardboard, and food or beverage bottles, cans and cartons in your Blue Bin.
Never put plastic bags, Styrofoam, food waste or sharps in your Blue Bin.
Keep recyclables loose, clean and dry.
Always flatten cardboard.
Use these documents:
Recycling 101 sheet will help you, your friends and family recycle. We also have it available as a refrigerator magnet that you can pick up from the Brightside Office.
For additional details on recycling and the city’s waste services, download the City’s Ultimate Waste Disposal Guide.
3. Get a free recycling receptacle from Operation Brightside:
All residents can get a recycling receptacle from Operation Brightisde. You can pick up your in-home recycling bin at the Brightside St. Louis office located at 4646 Shenandoah Avenue 63110, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Need to pick up bins for your neighbors? No problem! Just bring their contact info (name, address, email and phone number) with you.
4. Submit a complaint about your recycling dumpster to CSB:
Submit problems to the Citizens Service Bureau here and record your number. If you don’t see progress, you can share the number with your alderman to ensure the issue is addressed.
As always, you can submit a photo to our instagram - we'd love to see a success story of course, but if you see dumpsters that aren't lookin so great, we'll share that as well. Just tag us @benton_park.
Recycling Rate Info
Recycling Rates:
In FY23 = 7.37% of trash and in the past few weeks: FY24 to date = 7.5
What's up with this rate?
This rate is due to user error (aka all our St. Louis neighbors still learning about how to best provide recycling) AND city error. While we can't get data on the impact of each, we can work together to improve that number.
Average rates for other cities :
They all have different appraoches, but sometimes comparison helps.
Philly: around 8% as of 2023
Baltimore: residential recycling is 14.7 as of 2019
San Francisco: 80% as of 2019
Indianapolis: 7% as of 2019