Contact info for your board and community leaders
General inquiries? Email hello@bentonpark.org
Business inquiries? Email treasury@bentopark.org
Not sure who to contact? Email hello@bentonpark.org
BPNA Board of Directors
President: Courtney Armistead, president@bentonpark.org
Vice President: Lori White, vicepresident@bentonpark.org
Secretary: Derrick Kilgore, secretary@bentonpark.org
Treasurer: Jeremy Rentfro, treasury@bentonpark.org
BPNA Committee Chairs
Building Review: Tim Mulligan, buildingreviewcommittee@bentonpark.org
Events Committee: Brittany Nelson, events@bentonpark.org
Marketing Committee: Lori White, marketing@bentonpark.org
Community Garden: Bill Kranz garden@bentonpark.org
Membership: William Aungst membership@bentonpark.org
English Cave: Bill Kranz, englishcave@bentonpark.org
Parks: Dan Guenther, drguenther3011@gmail.com
Dog Park: Hayley Johnston, bentonparkdogpark@gmail.com
Safety Committee: Derrick Kilgore, safety@bentonpark.org
Volunteer Committee: Jeremy Rentfro, volunteer@bentonpark.org
City Officials
Alderman: Cara Spencer, Ward 8, spencerc@stlouis-mo.gov, 314-622-3287
Legislative Assistant to Alderman Spencer: Isaiah Pasek-Santiagol, pasek-santiagoi@stlouis-mo.gov
Neighborhood Stabilization Officer: Kentosha Harris, harrisk@stlouis-mo.gov, (314) 657-1363, (cell)(314) 922-0946
Treasurer, City of St. Louis: Adam Layne - laynead@stltreasurer.org - http://www.stltreasurer.org
Officer Rosa Rojas rrojas@slmpd.org, 314-444-2595
Captain Joe Morici: 314-444-2500 jamorici@slmpd.org