Zoom General Meeting Agenda Minutes
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Hellos from new neighbors
Dog Park – they are having a gardening/clean up day on Saturday 10am-2pm
Minutes from last meeting – approved
Police Report:
Officer Garrett:
314-444-2500 – police main line to contact officer Garrett
314-444-2595 – Desk Direct Line
Free Gun locks available if anyone needs one, they will bring them to your home if you call the main number
Crime Stats:
20 reported crimes in the last 30 days
12 larcenies
From vehicle, stealing from building, license plate thefts
2 Burglaries
1900 Arsenal Robbery
Female victim not from here came to buy drugs, was set up by dealer and was robbed
1 person arrested on original charge
33 arrests in district 3
53 Part 1 crimes in 2022, 49 in 2021 to this point
26 arrests in district 3 in last 30 days
24 were warrants
919 N. Jefferson is the location of Central Station, but currently under renovation
2228 calls for service in 2022
Gravois calming? Trying to add another officer
State is working to partner with the city to help control traffic on gravois
MODOT looked into median, they have a limited budget but it will probably be a few years
Catalytic converters: You can buy cat cages for them to cover them up
Spire Meters: If anyone sees that Spire is coming to put in a new meter, you do not have to consent to it
What they are supposed to do is send you a letter that you should not ignore, you can request where they put it, but if you ignore then they will put it in the easiest place
Still looking for someone to do our social media and marketing and to head up that committee for the neighborhood
Merchandise in the Benton Park store is out of stock, we are looking to get new merchandise to sell, if anyone has any ideas on what to get, send an email with suggestions.
Alderman Report
Board is on spring recess
Go back in session on 4/18
New session starts 4/19
ARPA Covid Relief funds
Link on BPNA facebook page that shows what the funds were used for
On the Mayor’s website, there is a page for community suggestions for the next round of ARPA funds
There are orders out for replacing dumpsters, should be happening soon
CSB – 314-622-4800
Speed humps are installed
They are working on a city-wide traffic calming plan
The speed humps cost too much for the funding that is available
32 cost $160,000 which is over half the ward funds
Will be requesting signatures from neighbors to approve in the future
Highway 55 they are starting a 3 year project for the bridges
There will be lane changes, etc.
Check the MODOT website for a timeline
Treasury Report
$4165.16 in the black (+)
Membership revenue and renewals is not as much as there were last year
June 14th and June 21st there are workers coming to clean up the parks- youth volunteer corps
9am-2pm for volunteers
Pickle ball is popular, the courts are taken a lot
St. Louis Chess Club put in 2 new chess boards under the pavilion/comfort station
Sunday May 22nd at noon on the bridge, memorial for Charles Hooker
Summer Concerts in the Park
First show may 21st – mighty pines with 4 hands to sell beer
2nd to last Sunday of every month after that
Need volunteers to work the concerts and tunes on tap
Safety Committee
Dog Park
Garden/Cave Committee
2 new people with boxes in the garden
Trying to access the cave and grow mushrooms down there
Building review committee
Tim Mulligan – head of the historic district building review committee
Barb Potts (CSO)
62 or older and disabled, there is money available for home repairs
Up to $20,000 do not need to pay it back
Have to own their house and be current on real estate taxes and have the 63118 zip code
There are about 14 spots left, once the money is gone it is gone
Met with street department, talked about potholes etc,
There is a crew of 14 people in charge of all the city potholes, lots of weather problems
If there are REALLY bad abandoned cars report it and they will ticket it
Not enough people so please only report bad ones
If you notice the trash is not being picked up, make sure hooks are on the dumpsters because they are being stolen