January 5, 2021 Benton Park Neighborhood Meeting
New Neighbor Welcome
Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Minutes Approved, no objections
Police Report – no officer Garrett for report
Alderman Report:
New Police Captain Maurici (sp)
COVID Update:
Call with Mayor and Dr. Echols
City seems to be over Thanksgiving spike, numbers going down but there are delays in reporting of testing because of holidays
Over 300 deaths in the city
Please continue social distancing and masks
Federal Cares 2nd round hoping for more grants and utility assistance
Neighbors should use BPNA resources
Guardian Angels in the neighborhood
ARJ Community Foundation
2920 Chippewa (Melvin Theatre)
Will be doing meal assistance for children in public schools
Board Bill 200
Persistent Surveillance Program
Following 4 hours of debate, the board passed out of public safety committee
If you have opinions on this bill, email members of the board of alderman
Refuse Collection
All of departments have been hit hard by COVID and quarantines
NSO Barb Potts are through alleys daily
If you have a dumpster that is not being taken care of Call Alderman Guenther or NSO Potts so they can get it handled
Reminder that at Pestalozzi and Jefferson there is a row of recycling bins by the fire department and that can keep the alleys clean
Neighborhood Updates:
Desales Community Corporation at Jefferson/Arsenal for Senior Affordable Housing
2 weeks ago the funding was not approved again
Thanks to everyone in the neighborhood who gave support
Will continue to work on project in the future
Flyover Fund
40 unit apartment building at Jefferson and Lynch
Still working on project
Arsenal and Lemp – Joel’s BP
Application for extended liquor license will be filed soon
BPNA will work to support project
Reach out to Alderman Guenther with questions or concerns
Treasurer’s Report:
2020 was different that expectations
$3,000 (approx.) in COVID donations for the community
Spent $2,200 in COVID aid
In process to donating some to food banks in the neighborhood
Membership income consistent with 2019
Sponsorship income down, but so were event expenses
Working with insurance companies to lower the premium costs
Net Loss of $1,400 in 2020- also consistent with 2019
$61,000 savings
$14,000 in checking
Requests have slowed since Mid October
Contact for help and assistance through website
Budget for 2021 – being prepared
Building Review Committee:
Letters of Support:
Blues City Deli/Melo’s Pizza
Awning construction for patio area
Worked through several designs and have supported a design from Killeen Studios that has been approved by the preservation board
Zoning letter for Epiphany Church
To use some unused space to support business incubators
Owner with Property on Lemp and Jefferson
Working through zoning and building improvements with them
If anyone would like to join the committee even in an advisory role let us know
Parks Committee:
Tree Care:
Neighborhood-wide fundraising to hire an arborist would be needed
New Trees – Partnership with TreeLC – the city forestry will train neighbors on how to prune the small trees
MSD and parks took fountains out for the freeze, they are stored under the bridge, will be back in the spring
Overflow water will continue throughout winter
Goldenball Bridge:
Thanks to decorators
Garden Report:
New people in garden due to the pandemic
17 gardeners – record number
$500 budget has been held back for tree care in the garden
Delayed from COVID
Trying to develop some sort of access to the cave, not sure exactly how yet
Email with questions
Events Committee:
Got 2 concerts in the park
Santa through the neighborhood was great
Stay tuned for upcoming events in 2021
Looking for someone with media/marketing/web/social media to help BPNA
If you would like to get involved or know someone, please contact the board
Dog Park:
Dormant for the season
Half is divided off for re-seeding
Want to keep that part closed until the spring, when the other side will be re-seeded and closed for a short time
New Business:
Election Season:
Alderman Guenther is up for re-election
Have been contacted by mayoral candidates to ask for presentations
Also comptroller candidates
Our neighborhood board election is February as well
Neighbor questions:
Worried about safety
What can we do as neighbors?
BPNA is in the process of establishing a safety committee to address safety concerns
Street Lights, block captains, patrols, etc. have been thought about