Tuesday, May 4, 2021
7:00 PM – Log In & Call to order: Start Recording Meeting for website
Approval of last meeting’s minutes – APPROVED without objection
Welcome from Don – Announcements
- New neighbor introductions
Police Report: Officer Jazmon Garrett
Not able to attend the meeting
Treasurer’s Report/ COVID19 relief program: Liz Gerard
2021 budget was approved at the beginning of the year
Not many expenditures so far, still working on Q1 income statement
Most spending occurs on the events in Q2 and Q3
Originally proposed a $12,000 budget for events, thinking about going bigger for the post-COVID
Proposing to raise to $22,000 budget
Have a bunch of sponsorships and should be getting a big chunk of the money back
In order to get the bands signed we need to get the budget raised
Bylaws require taking a proposed deviation from the approved budget to the general assembly
Motion to increase the budget by Jim Gau, Second by Dan Guenther and Brittany Nelson, approved without objection
Alderman’s Report: Dan Guenther, 9th Ward
COVID Update – as of Monday 5/3 bars and restaurants can now stay open their regular hours
Occupancy restrictions also lifted, but still need to space out the seating and tables
Stay diligent and please remind people to be diligent about the spacing
Vaccination event is still going on at the dome
Health department can get a ride for people that need them
$500m coming into the City
Task force appointed to allocate it
First public meeting was last Saturday and all upcoming meetings will be as well
Follow City of St. Louis and Tishaura Jones on social media for updates
Got information from the assessor’s office that there were 50 new construction permits issued which was the most of any ward in the city
It is a tax re-assessment year, we will invite the city assessor to a meeting to discuss
Give St. Louis Day is May 6th - https://www.givestlday.org/
Question from neighbor regarding the defunding of the police issue
Money is being taken from the vacant officer positions and reallocated toward other programs within public safety
It has been approved by the mayor, president and comptroller, still to be passed by the board of alderman, but they have very little power to change the numbers in the budgets when they get to them
Committee Reports:
Building Review Committee - Tim Mulligan (Chair)
New vintage clothing sales and repair business in the neighborhood!
Black Rabbit Vintage owner Madelyn Lumpe presents:
She will be going into the storefront at Lemp and Lynch next to Cones and Cups, she has a conditional use permit hearing coming up and will meet with the building review committee as well
Events Committee – Brittany Nelson (Chair)
Planning concerts every month May-September on Sunday afternoons
There will be social distancing markings (circles) for everyone’s pods to gather in
Working on whether there will be vendors or not at the events
Trying to do Tunes on Tap again this year as a garden tour rather than coming into homes
Stay tuned on social media for full lineup of bands
Likely looking to increase the budget for Tunes on Tap as well, and will probably spotlight local bands
Safety Committee - Barbara Vindiola (Chair) - no updates
Marketing/Web/Social Media – no updates
Parks Committee – Dan Guenther (Chair)
Principia and SLU helped with cleanup
SLU wants to do Thursday 7/29 to help again 9am-1pm
Pickleball courts should be breaking ground this spring/summer
Request for a new trash can at the corner of Lemp/Utah, Dan will try to get one put in the park
Garden Committee - Bill Kranz (Chair)
There is a waiting list for the garden boxes, contact Bill to be added to it
Old map for Arsenal improvements shows the cave entrance
They will be getting a surveyor out to look at the map and see if we can figure out where the entrance is
Working on mission statement for the cave’s purpose and will present that at a future meeting
Dog Park Committee - Nicole Poston (Chair)
Dog park is OPEN – sign up and visit!
The 5 neighborhoods that Jefferson passes through are all proposing to put each neighborhood’s logo on the back of their stop signs backing onto Jefferson. We have gotten a design and a bid for the signs for $500-750 plus $100/year for insurance. They’re guaranteed for 10 years.
Presenting it to the membership for input and/or objections
Liz moves for approval, second by Joanie Jacques, approved without objection
Hybrid in-person/online meetings this summer?
Can we use the main sanctuary of the church and space out?
Will work out the details of the camera/AV setup
Show of hands in the meeting show that there is interest
NEXT MEETING June 1, 2021